
The Marketplace is where users can sell/buy/trade their NFT Characters and Accessory Items. A item stat filter is available in the Marketplace for easy navigation.

Currencies that can be used on the Marketplace are determined based on the base token of the multi-chain platform supported by EarnTube. EarnTube market transactions incur a 7.5% commission. The remainder after deducting the necessary expenses from this fee is used to provide liquidity for the sustainability of the $TUBE value.

EarnTube application also supports in-app token swap between $TUBE, and $MATIC (more base token after multi-chain release).

EarnTube swap has built its own multi-chain Decentralized Exchange (DEX). The swap within the DEX will charge 1% trading fee. In this 1% fee:

  1. 0.3% will be rewarded to the liquidity providers.

  2. 0.6% will be held at a separate address to give back to the EarnTube ecosystem. The potential use cases include: a) $TUBE buyback and burn; b) NFT buyback and burn; c) Support ecosystem building events ; d) Community giveaways and raffles.

  3. 0.1% will be used for the future development work.

Last updated